. Šiauliu.LT - Tavo Counter-Strike žaidimas, CS 1.6 dowload - Diskusijų forumas: Diel pokalbiu
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Diel pokalbiu
iskilo beda ir nebesugalvoju daugiau nieko kaip isprest. viskas buvo gerai mane visi girdejo ir bac manes nebegirdi nors ir rekiu y ta ausiniu mikrafa, nustatymuose testa pasijungi, trauki per stala girdisi negarsiai aidas atgal bet efekto zaidime nera, niekas manes negirdi. pc testai rodo viska lyg gerai kame reples? bus galinciu padet? Šypsosi2
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[off] 02/05/2024 09:29
if you wanna write feedback you can do it here https://siauliu.lt

[off] 01/05/2024 23:38
cocaine needs tears tissues sometimes. happens

[off] 01/05/2024 22:35
Yeah i do question U dont have to ban me for even 1 hour server jave auto kick on 180+ ping then why u kicked me twice and banned me

[off] 01/05/2024 21:33
So everything has reason, any other questions?

[off] 01/05/2024 21:31
First ban was because insulting , “ hey cocaine you are bitch fuck you and so on” banned 1 week but I was able to ban you perm today ban 1 hour after two kicks from server for your ping as always