Kad rašytum,turi prisijungti.
I want join MIX but rejected, it says "STEAM validation rejected". What does that means?
Hello everyone My exam's are going well, after that I will start playing .
Admina i serva!!!
it gets removed whenever mix ends or admin decides to unlock the server if a player is needed. other than that there is no set password there
what is the password of Mix Arena?
mix.siauliu.lt:27016 ir nereiks jokių adminų.
davai i mix arena adminuka reikia!
Sveika, kolkas tik pačiam serve, web'e dar nepadaryta
Labas. Kur cia rast mixu statistika. Pasiklydau website
Užbaninau. Jeigu pareis - sakykit.
aimas serve yra. Nick : 9402.FHt3
pato - žinau. sistema dar tik bus vėliau, dėl to ir sukam dažniausiai ten kai bent adminas yra, nes arena beta versijoj
Why jetpack is removed ..? Normantas..?
neduoda automixe banu uz leave